Happy Pi day!
As it is Pi day, as a lover of all things maths, I thought it would only be appropriate if I wrote a little something for this rather special irrational day!
See now being half Greek, for a long time Pi was just another letter than I had to know to say pretty much anything in Greek and then I turned 13. I walked into my Maths classroom and there it was, rather out of place on the interactive whiteboard and being the little miss 'genius' that I thought it was, put my hand up and shouted "that's Pi!" (Pronouncing it Pee) and well I got a fair few puzzled looks followed by a good minute's worth of laughter. Moral of the story- learn how to pronounce things in English before you, like me end up shouting stupid things in class.
See, like those surds that I know many of you despise, Pi is also an irrational number so I just wanted to thank π for existing as it has saved my hands from having to write out 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105 every time I just so happen to want to calculate the area of a circle, Volume of a sphere or surface area of a cone frustum!
This one is only really supposed to be a short one as I just wanted to wish you all a happy pi day!
Stay Curious and have an irrational day!
Vanessa x
Note: In Greek, Pi is not pronounced pie, it is pronounced pee so it wasn't me being weird, it was genuinely how I was taught it was pronounced- go find a Greek person and ask them!
As it is Pi day, as a lover of all things maths, I thought it would only be appropriate if I wrote a little something for this rather special irrational day!
See now being half Greek, for a long time Pi was just another letter than I had to know to say pretty much anything in Greek and then I turned 13. I walked into my Maths classroom and there it was, rather out of place on the interactive whiteboard and being the little miss 'genius' that I thought it was, put my hand up and shouted "that's Pi!" (Pronouncing it Pee) and well I got a fair few puzzled looks followed by a good minute's worth of laughter. Moral of the story- learn how to pronounce things in English before you, like me end up shouting stupid things in class.
See, like those surds that I know many of you despise, Pi is also an irrational number so I just wanted to thank π for existing as it has saved my hands from having to write out 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105 every time I just so happen to want to calculate the area of a circle, Volume of a sphere or surface area of a cone frustum!
This one is only really supposed to be a short one as I just wanted to wish you all a happy pi day!
Stay Curious and have an irrational day!
Vanessa x
Note: In Greek, Pi is not pronounced pie, it is pronounced pee so it wasn't me being weird, it was genuinely how I was taught it was pronounced- go find a Greek person and ask them!
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